Talks and Texts


Neue Wege zu einer familiengerechte(re)n Branche.
Keynote at the online event Modern Film Family?! Familienfreundliches Drehen from 15.3.24, organized by ifs International Flmschool Cologne in cooperation with me / Experstieve. The event was recorded.

Zeitgeist: Wie läuft es mit der Filmfamilie?
cn-Magazin casting-network. Edition 136 from 28.3.24 Spring 2024. S. 4-8.
The text is the written version of my talk of 19.2.24 at the PQF Conference.

Equal Care Day – Welche Rolle spielt Sorgearbeit beim Filmdreh?
Interview with Max Oppel for „Kompressor, Magazine for Pop Culture“, Deutschlandfunk Kultur public broadcasting radio on 29.2.24. In German. Available at Podcast von Kompressor. 8:17 min.

Wie läuft es mit der Filmfamilie?
Impulse lecture at the Pro Quote Film Conference Empowered for Equality on 19.2.24.
A slightly shortened version published on 29.2.24 in SchspIN – An Actress’s Thoughts.

Familienfreundlichkeit und die Filmbranche.
Keynote at Familiengerechtes Drehen – der konkrete Kongress from Pro Quote Film on 21.2.23.
Shortened version published in German 10.5.23 in Filmöwin. feminist film magazine.
Shortened version in English published 31.7.23 in SchspIN – An Actress’s Thoughts.

Cinema, Career, Children: Can the Film Industry be called a family-friendly Workplace?
Blog text in English published on 14.4.14 in SchspIN – An Actress’s Thoughts.

#Metoo / Abuse of Power

Weinstein and the Silence of the German Film Industry
Blog text published on 16.10.17 in SchspIN – An Actress’s Thoughts.

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