Neue Wege zu einer familiengerechte(re)n Branche.
Keynote at the online event Modern Film Family?! Familienfreundliches Drehen from 15.3.24, organized by ifs International Flmschool Cologne in cooperation with me / Experstieve. The event was recorded.
Zeitgeist: Wie läuft es mit der Filmfamilie?
cn-Magazin casting-network. Edition 136 from 28.3.24 Spring 2024. S. 4-8.
The text is the written version of my talk of 19.2.24 at the PQF Conference.
Equal Care Day – Welche Rolle spielt Sorgearbeit beim Filmdreh?
Interview with Max Oppel for „Kompressor, Magazine for Pop Culture“, Deutschlandfunk Kultur public broadcasting radio on 29.2.24. In German. Available at Podcast von Kompressor. 8:17 min.
Wie läuft es mit der Filmfamilie?
Impulse lecture at the Pro Quote Film Conference Empowered for Equality on 19.2.24.
A slightly shortened version published on 29.2.24 in SchspIN – An Actress’s Thoughts.
Familienfreundlichkeit und die Filmbranche.
Keynote at Familiengerechtes Drehen – der konkrete Kongress from Pro Quote Film on 21.2.23.
Shortened version published in German 10.5.23 in Filmöwin. feminist film magazine.
Shortened version in English published 31.7.23 in SchspIN – An Actress’s Thoughts.
Cinema, Career, Children: Can the Film Industry be called a family-friendly Workplace?
Blog text in English published on 14.4.14 in SchspIN – An Actress’s Thoughts.
#Metoo / Abuse of Power
Weinstein and the Silence of the German Film Industry
Blog text published on 16.10.17 in SchspIN – An Actress’s Thoughts.