
For the near future I am planning surveys on various film (industry) topics. The first one will be about:

The portrayal of ‘work-life balance’ in fictional films and series

How is this double responsibility portrayed, as a central theme or marginalised? Is there a main or supporting character who juggles work and child/ren? Does someone in employment look after relatives in need of care, do pregnant women feature, or is a character confronted with the sudden and prolonged illness of their partner? How is the topic treated in the film / dramaturgy, realistically, humorously, clichéd, annoyingly?

The focus will be on German productions: However, international productions may also be mentioned, especially if they portray (dis)compatibility in a constructive way.

The content and technical aspects of the survey are currently being prepared and will probably be launched in July.


On my page NEROPA – Finetuning I presented two examples from the UK: IN THE LINE OF DUTY and THE NIGHT MANAGER:

In the TV series LINE OF DUTY season 3, episode 6, the police-officer Maneet (supporting role) comes to the office at night for a meeting with two colleagues (main roles), she brings her young child with her because she was unable to organise childcare at such short notice. In season 4, episode 3, she is expecting her second child. This is not an important part of the plot, she is simply pregnant and is otherwise a normal part of the investigation team.

In the series THE NIGHT MANAGER, the role of agent Leonard Burr was changed to Angela Burr and cast with actress Olivia Coleman. She was pregnant at the time of filming and the pregnancy was incorporated into the role.

And in the German crime thriller WIR SIND DAS GESETZ (which won the award for Best Crime Thriller at the 2020 TV Crime Festival), we see a patrolman who lives with his father who has dementia. You can also read about it in my blog text TV crime dramas – We are the Jury!

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